Friday, November 30, 2012

Presidents or Celebrities?

I was thinking this week about the different ways our Presidents and Presidential candidates interact with the American people and things they do to stay visible in the public eye. One of these outlets is talk shows.

Why do Presidents and political candidates go on talk shows anyways? You might say they do it in order to push an agenda or call attention to an important issue. To me, it just seems that most of the time these people appear on talk shows because it feels glamorous. Usually, Presidents and candidates do anything from make jokes about opponents or give opinions on fashion. Both parties take part. It is a matter of status and glitz.

I feel that, sometimes, appearances like this take priority over critical issues facing our country that should be addressed. Let's talk about meaningful issues rather than playing Brad Pitt for an hour. Am I being to over-the-top? Maybe I just feel that there are more important things that need taking care of - like the economy or the job crisis that still exists.

Dear past and future Presidents,
Please get your priorities straight.

An American who cares about the future of her country.


  1. In my classmate, Ashley’s blog; President or celebrities, she argues about how ridiculous it is that the President and other political figures go on talk shows on TV and acted like they are “Brad Pitt.” I tend to agree with her, why would a President go onto a late night show? Honestly, that doesn’t really seem “Presidential.” I tend to agree with Ashley, that when the President is on a show like that it seems as though the serious issues facing our country are put on the back burner. I Honestly don’t care how personable the President is, I just want him to work hard at getting our country back on track and doing what a President is supposed to do.

  2. I completely agree with Ashley on her blog "Presidents or Celebrities?". I've also noticed the same thing lately; the President has made his appearance on so many talk shows and things of the sort. It just doesn't seem like something the President of a country, and the leader of that country should be focusing on. I mean really? School shootings, mall shootings, murder, crime, and other hearbreaking things going on in the United States (and the world) and our President focuses on talk shows and going to Hawaii on vacation. What kind of leader does that? Now don't get me wrong, I'm not picking on just President Obama. There are other leaders as well who I'm sure do the exact same thing when they should be focused on what they get paid for; and that's to lead. That's just my two cents on the subject.
